DATE: JUNE 23-27, 2025

We are inviting our Catalyst Kids to explore their calling and join us as we go “Higher.”  At CentriKid 2025, kids will discover what it means to live out their calling through the adventure of following Christ! We pray that your 3rd - 5th grader will join us for this 5 -day adventure filled to the brim with Bible Study, Worship, Track Times, fellowship, and a whole lot of fun!

This summer we’re traveling back to Lynchburg, VA to Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center. Here is the link to find more information about the camp,

We are so excited and expectant to see all that God will do in this week away at camp! His plan & purpose for the lives of these campers will push forward and each one will have a story to tell.


Registration is OPEN now! - Register by April 1, 2025 

Price: Total $395 
A nonrefundable $75 is due upon registration. 
*Gradual Pay is available

*Final payment is due by May 15, 2025


Camp Scholarships: This money is an investment for the spiritual growth of your student. If your family is unable to pay the full cost, please apply for a scholarship.  Go to this link to apply – 

If you have any questions about camp, contact Nicole Stevens - or call the church office at (910)455-2700


Register for Catalyst Kids Camp




DATE: JULY 14-18, 2025  

We are gearing up for an exciting summer and that includes SUMMER CAMP! Summer camp is a time filled with amazing moments, fantastic stories, and incredible growth.  

This summer you can go to Crossroads Camp, which will be held at Anderson University, in Anderson SC. Here is the link to find more information about the camp,  

 We are excited about July 14 to 18th, believing God will do some incredible things through those FIVE days at camp. Our team knows God will use this opportunity to continue in His plan and purpose for each student’s life. 


Registration is OPEN now! - Register by April 1, 2025 

Price: Total $375 
A nonrefundable $75 is due upon registration. 
*Gradual Pay is available *Final payment is due by May 15, 2025 


Camp Scholarships: This money is an investment for the spiritual growth of your student. If your family is unable to pay the full cost, please apply for a scholarship.  Go to this link to apply - 

For questions, contact Summer Richards - or Kaylee 


Register for Catalyst Students Camp